Middle School
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
Middle School
Middle School is a time of change and growth for our students; therefore, we’ve designed an academic program that challenges their maturing minds and broadens their perspective on the world.
What to expect in Middle School?
elective courses in STEM and humanities
hands-on learning
technology integration
high school credit courses
Top Ten recognition
sports: volleyball, swim team, track & field, girls & boys basketball, and soccer
in-school club days
Tween Spirit, BETA club, magnet student ambassadors
dances and celebration days

follow block schedules with A/B days
first year to wear the purple and khaki uniform

follow block schedules with A/B days
D.A.R.E. program

follow block schedules with A/B days
final year at Mayfair Lab
leadership roles
Top Ten - honor for eighth graders with highest cumulative middle school GPA
Original Tiger Cubs - eighth graders who have been Mayfair Lab tiger cubs since kindergarten